martes, abril 26, 2011


Hay algo ahí, lo oigo y sé que me esta mirando
Hay algo escondido ahí, pero no logro contemplarlo
Hay algo escondido tímidamente ahí, y no quiero asustarlo.

Quizás me acerque un poco....quizás no
Quizás quiere ser mi amigo...quizás no
Quizás desea salir corriendo...ya no está

El tiempo se me escapa de las manos, se me acaban las palabras.

jueves, abril 07, 2011

.no quiero miraR

Debo correr, debo correr, el futuro me persigue y el presente no lo alcanzo, caer en la tentacion del muñeco para ser saboreado por las carcajadas y aplausos de los ilusos, para que? si al final de la funcion el merito se lo lleva el titiritero. Ayer logre zafarme de la cuerda que sostenia mi brazo derecho y hoy... esta fracturado.

Algun dia aspirare a ser algo mas que un simple pedazo de madera articulada
Algun dia aspirare a ser de carne como aquellos que solo rien
Algun dia empezare a colocar tildes
Algun dia aspirare a ser algo mas de lo que soy hoy dia...algo eres?

Quizas solo aspiro a ser un arlequin...mejor vuelvo a la caja.

martes, abril 05, 2011

.la excepcioN

Dicen que para todo hay una primera vez, de ser asi esta seria una de ellas, una letra que me llegó al alma, de Killing The Dream...


We walk in circles. We love in circles. We talk in circles. We live in circles.
i can't live like this. i can't live like this. i can't keep living
this. i can't keep living this again. we're always moving on, always
moving back. back to the same place. so familiar, but it isn't home...
just where we come to forget. how many times can you write the same
song in a different way? how many times can you live the same life
on a different day? nobody lives in circles, they just forget. they
just survive. we live in circles, the same people with different
faces. we sing the same songs in different keys. we love in circles,
a little less with every turn. i've never loved like that before,
and i don't think i will again. and it's coming back again, it's
ending where it started. and i'd give everything to do it all again.
you never love like that again (the first time), and the longer that
you live, the less you feel alive. and we don't die for anything
anymore. i'd kill to feel like that again, but i'm never going to
feel like that again. so move on, hold on, or fucking fake it. either
way, we're losing. either way i'm losing. remember when this was
everything? in a way, it still is. i want to feel that way again.
but you don't feel in circles, you just live. you just fall. i'll
find it again, in a different place. in a different time, with a
different face. i'll keep moving, because i've got to keep moving.
just take whatever's left. my heart is dry. this is my last breath.
this used to be everything. i gave everything.